Lead With Confidence In Your Aligned Path Regardless of Past Experience
Become A Lioness Leader ~ Bold Meets Grace
Leading doesn't mean hustling more than everyone else or losing control delegating it all. 
Connecting to your strengths within leadership allows those around you to rise because of your influence.

Who Is Lioness Leader For?

  • Moms: Gotta get it right at home first --> plus, leaders raise leaders
  • Ministry Leaders: Kingdom work is enhanced when we grow our leadership abilities
  • Network Marketers: Team building, rank advancement, and rewards increase as people look to you
  • Women in Corporate America: Advancement opportunities increase as your team culture, mentorship, and leadership improves
  • Entrepreneurs: Effectiveness working with vendors, affiliates, team members, and customers rises and falls with your leadership level
Get The Coaching
You can only lead to the extent that you've grown yourself as a person. Your home, business, ministry, or platform for leadership will only grow to the extent that you've grown. These calls are a safe space for Traci to draw out limiting beliefs, behaviors, and equip you with the tools needed to move forward living out the new mindset to get upleveled results. 
Learn, Practice, & Test Skills
You'll receive a course syllabus, book list, opportunities to connect with other leaders to practice skills, and finally test for course completion.

You'll have exclusive access to step-by-step training videos, download worksheets, cheat sheets, and go-to resources.
Master Yourself to 
Master Your Time
Not having time is a coping mechanism that we get to address as leaders determined to show up with both grace and boldness. Leaders go to people who know how to get things done. Lioness Leaders know how to manage themselves, create a calendar that they own and love so that they can maximize their influence in the world.
Connect with a Graduate of Lioness Leadership to get the INSIDE SCOOP!
The results graduates have had speak for themselves, and we recognize that many times you can have your questions answered by a fellow student or graduate more effectively than the program director herself. So, we've set up an opportunity for you to do just that! And afterwards, if our graduate and you see that you're a good fit for Lioness Leadership, Traci will do an interview to confirm readiness to work together. 

What is your time worth to you?
In this 45-minute call, you'll leave with: 
~ Inside scoop from a fellow student/graduate
~ Clarity if Lioness Leadership is right for you
~ Golden nuggets to move forward on regardless of your commitment to this program because we have a commitment that we leave each and every woman better off than before we meet. 

"Ladies & entrepreneurs, take a big step on yourself to grow in so many areas of your life -- not just your business. Your life and business will be a product of taking care of yourself first --> 
mind, body, and spirit! 

Let Traci Warren guide you -- you will be amazed at where she can take you! She is made to coach!"

"Working with Traci has been a huge blessing. Having calls with her has helped me save time and money by knowing what needs to be done next. The accountability has been a huge help to keep me focused from week to week. 

She is business savvy and always has great advice to offer. Without her help, I feel I’d be weeks or months behind schedule at completing tasks."

Kintsugi Collective Inc. 
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